So true and spot-on Camilo, I've also changed my perspective on what collaboration means and its effects on writing, you lay it out so well.

Y genial que viste a Steven, deberíamos hacer una convención latina WoP, podría ser en un resort en Cancún (ahh verdad! encontramos un mejor lugar 😉 )

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Jaja estimado, me apunto para una convención latina de WoP, menos en un resort. Pero en un lugar cómo San Miguel de Allende seria chevere!

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Dude, this was so good. Grateful and lucky to have you as a compadre in the journey of creation.

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Likewise brother!

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Whatever, not jealous at all!

Jk, so well articulated - I felt the same way about writing and had no idea it was a community effort. Anything amazing I've created is a mosaic of all the different hands that touched it before hitting published.

Loved this:

"But I truly believe that most people would benefit from having a group of people to lean on in their creative journeys. Our current world is hostile to creativity–we are all salmon swimming upstream. Originality comes not from within, but from our openness to all that’s around us. And part of that openness includes interacting and collaborating with others. Creative magic happens in the moments of contemplation and serendipity. Contemplation is our creative antennae noticing things. Serendipity are the unexpected situations that bring upon epiphanies and revelations. Both of these happen in groups, in conversations, in joint experiences."

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Aww thank you Michelle! Btw, I'm anxiously waiting a piece from you on your latest move!

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