The wit and wonder of Olivia de Recat
Wow, flattered is an understatement. Thank you for this, Camilo! 🥹
You are very welcome! It was long overdue and heartfelt. You are wonderful.
Beautiful piece, Camilo. I didn't know Olivia. But now I do. And I like that.
Grazie mille Silvio! I’m glad I was able to capture her essence.
Damn I came here for Olivia Rodrigo ... but this was even better
Lovely Camilo :)
Ha! I didn’t even think about that until you mentioned it. Glad you liked it!
You've successfully drawn me to Olivia.
Thank you, Rick! This makes me happy.
“So who is this Olivia person and why does my dentist know about her?”
Love how candid your writing is, Camilo!
Thank you so much Alexandra :)
Wow, flattered is an understatement. Thank you for this, Camilo! 🥹
You are very welcome! It was long overdue and heartfelt. You are wonderful.
Beautiful piece, Camilo. I didn't know Olivia. But now I do. And I like that.
Grazie mille Silvio! I’m glad I was able to capture her essence.
Damn I came here for Olivia Rodrigo ... but this was even better
Lovely Camilo :)
Ha! I didn’t even think about that until you mentioned it. Glad you liked it!
You've successfully drawn me to Olivia.
Thank you, Rick! This makes me happy.
“So who is this Olivia person and why does my dentist know about her?”
Love how candid your writing is, Camilo!
Thank you so much Alexandra :)