Love this piece Camilo - this dance with identities, names, and FOPO has been present for me as well. "Handing our emotional state over to strangers" hit home too. Excited to read the upcoming pieces!
Rick also convinced me to a live a more story worthy life (through a talk in Small Bets) which did get me into a bit of trouble but tbh it’s way more interesting and I feel weirdly renewed. All that to say I think you’re entering a fun (maybe chaotic?) season which is great for writing and life.
I can't wait to watch this unfold! "The best way to overcome the fear of not being interesting/insightful/entertaining enough, is to do more of the things I’ve wanted to do, but have been too afraid to try. To embrace audacity over timidity."
I love this Camilo! I have been thinking a lot about the “do something interesting” cycle recently in my own life. I struggle with the capturing essence of it. Sometimes it feels like taking a picture instead of enjoying the moment. I need to practice that more as I’ve seemed to come up dry in the idea department. Thank you for this!
Love this piece Camilo - this dance with identities, names, and FOPO has been present for me as well. "Handing our emotional state over to strangers" hit home too. Excited to read the upcoming pieces!
Thank you Saalik!
Rick also convinced me to a live a more story worthy life (through a talk in Small Bets) which did get me into a bit of trouble but tbh it’s way more interesting and I feel weirdly renewed. All that to say I think you’re entering a fun (maybe chaotic?) season which is great for writing and life.
Ha, now I want to know what kind of trouble you got into...but happy it's actually working out for you haha.
Loved this. Enjoy the candor and courage in your introspection as always. Welcome back!
Thank you good sir!
I can't wait to watch this unfold! "The best way to overcome the fear of not being interesting/insightful/entertaining enough, is to do more of the things I’ve wanted to do, but have been too afraid to try. To embrace audacity over timidity."
Thank you, Rick! Step-by-step I'm going to get there.
Love the graphic you and Rick drew up! Very relatable. Also, welcome back!
Thank you! And thank you for sharing on Twitter :)
I love this Camilo! I have been thinking a lot about the “do something interesting” cycle recently in my own life. I struggle with the capturing essence of it. Sometimes it feels like taking a picture instead of enjoying the moment. I need to practice that more as I’ve seemed to come up dry in the idea department. Thank you for this!